
Showing posts from August, 2015

Don't get married till you can honestly answer these 20 questions

You may have been together with your partner for a while and you feel the 'right' thing to do is finalise your union by getting married, or you just started dating someone who looks like they'll be 'the one'. Ms Brenda Della Casa of YourTango  says a routine check-in is never a bad thing. Here are 20 tough questions to ask about your relationships before moving forward. Is for better or worse making me better or worse? Does your partner encourage you to be your best self, or does he or she get intimidated by any triumphs and feel more secure when you're not putting your best foot forward? Do we really accept one another? There will always be things you want to change about the people in your life, but no one should be in a situation where they feel they aren't allowed to be authentic and accepted as the unique, special (yet flawed) person they are. Who am I? How can you know if your partner is a good match if you have no idea who you are?

Could a One-Night Stand Make You Depressed?

No strings attached? Maybe not: Casual sex is linked to mental distress, according to research in the  Journal of Sex Research .  The study of nearly 4,000 college students connected hopping in the sack with a stranger to a 10 percent drop in life satisfaction, a 15 percent hike in depression, and a 17 percent jump in general anxiety. That's bad news considering even  mild mental stress is linked to a 29 percent increase in heart disease and stroke risk, finds research in the  BMJ.  

7 things to do when a guy doesn't like you

The worst thing a woman can do is to react obsessively to a guy who doesn't like. There are certain ways to act like a lady even when you have been rejected by a guy because he doesn't share the same feelings with you. One sided crushes could be the worst thing ever, so how can a lady get herself out of that situation. Kiley Coleman  of  Binoni  lists a few tips on how to handle being rejected by a guy: Ignore him:  The most important rule when it comes to ways to react when he doesn't like you is to make sure you forget he exists. The worst thing you can do is try and talk to him. I'm not talking about that 3 day rule of no texting or calling, I mean a good amount of weeks. Girls always get this itch to text a guy something funny we've thought of, or a simple question, anything just to seem like it was okay to contact him, when really he knows what your true motive is. When we see the guys we like, we usually say hi and smile, and try and come up with a

15 Things To Talk About In A Healthy Relationship

Communication is the key to a healthy relationship. However, many people aren’t certain what they should be communicating about. Spend time talking about a variety of topics to grow together as a couple and to prevent your relationship from becoming stale. 1. Your Daily Activities All of your conversations don’t have to be earth shattering. Spend time talking about your day-to-day activities. Discuss what time you woke up, what you ate for lunch, or what you discussed with a co-worker and help your partner understand what happens when you’re apart. 2. Money Talk about your budget. Discuss your saving and spending habits. If you combine your finances, set some financial goals and discuss strategies to help you reach those goals.

10 Reasons Engineers Make Good Partners

Ahh engineers. They are a breed of their own. Some of the smartest people out there, combined with a personality that can be confusing at first, if you are a free spirit, fly by the seat of your pants type like me. But once you understand them, you realize there are major pluses to having one as your partner. 1. They are extremely organized It’s no secret that engineers tend to be somewhat particular about where their things go. They like to have easy access, up-to-date technology, working solutions, and organization in their world. Perhaps their idea of organization is not the same as yours, but being with an engineer means respecting their ways, as intruding in their system can be disruptive to their balance and ability to be productive. And you will enjoy leading an organized life with your loved one.

10 important life decisions you should make for your own good

You should never take the back seat in your life. Letting someone else make life decisions for you could be very harmful to your well being in general. Your life passes you by slowly when you don't take control of everything that concerns you which could affect your relationship with others. Always remember it's your life and no one else's. Jodie Brownell of All Women Stalk  lists 10 important life decision every girl and woman should make to herself: To live every moment to the absolute fullest!:  Hey girl, have you felt bored or sluggish lately? If so, it's because you have not made the decision to live every moment to the fullest! You only have so many days on this earth, so make the effort to live the best life ever! Even those days that seem endless can turn into the best day of your life, but you have to be one to change your outlook and mood! Don't wait for the perfect moment to start living, NO, take the moment and make it the best one ever!

6 things couples are meant to be real about in their relationships

Most relationships crash because couples have some unrealistic expectations about their love life. In truth there's rarely a thing like 'happily ever after'  but it doesn't mean you shouldn't have moral standards and convictions about your relationships. This is why couples need to keep it real and face reality of life when it comes to relationships. Tanvier Peart of Madame Noire  lists few of those realities couples need to face: Fairy tales are great fiction:  You can have your happily ever after so long as you realize it doesn’t always come with a Prince Charming. Everyone has their own flaws and won’t come in a perfect package You can't get rid of family:  Yes, family can give unwanted opinions and put their nose in business that isn’t theirs, but they’re still family. Even if you don’t like your partner’s relatives, keep things cordial as they aren’t going anywhere.

15 Things Mature Women Don’t Do In Relationships

Do you think you are mature in relationships? Relationships can come with their own unique struggles, but there are some things that are universally immature and worth avoiding for a happier relationship. Check out 15 things mature women don’t do in relationships. 1. They Don’t Sacrifice Other Relationships Many people drift apart from their friends during a relationship. While this is understandable during the initial ‘honeymoon’ period, it is important to remember that that your friends and family have been in your life for far longer than your partner. Mature women make sure they have a happy balance between all of their loved ones. 2. They Don’t Forget To Thank Their Partner After you have been in a relationship for a while, it can be easy to forget to appreciate all of the little things that they do for you. Mature women realize

The language of love

Remember when you and your partner first got together? That period of endless time, energy and attention for each other, lots of sex and touching, feeling that you would do anything for one another ... According to US marriage counsellor Gary Chapman, you can get these aspects back into your relationship by learning to speak your partner's love language. It may sound a bit touchy-feely, but the idea is that each of us has a way that we like to give and receive love. Chapman identified five major "languages" - words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service and physical touch - and said that we all have one major language and one or two secondary ones. Queensland-based psychologist Dr Peta Stapleton says Chapman's concept can help men and women understand each other better. "Even if they have to try all five to get the right one, people can only benefit from learning their partner's love language," she says. "They'll ha

advise needed

PLEASE ADVISE THIS PERSON EMAIL SENT FROM A READER WHO NEED ADVISE ABOUT HER RELATIONSHIP Hi...I'm in a relationship n am dating a student like masef...his parents r d average type n he is the hustling type buh he hardly communicates saying he doesn't have money on him to call and all  because am on IT in lagos and he is in school @ Ekiti. I am already getting tired of such act because I av told him that even if he doesn't  have cash dat dere should b a way to communicate with me but he doesn't take to corrections. What should I do pls?

6 benefits of being in a long distance relationship

Relationship experts say that a study in the Journal of Communications has shown that absence might truly make the heart grow fonder and that couples who participate in a healthy long-distance relationship can have more meaningful interactions than couples who see each other daily. Grace Buchele of Huffington Post  lists the 6 benefits of being in a long distance relationship: The knowledge that if you survive the distance, your relationship can survive anything.   Once upon a time, boy met girl, they fell in love, and lived happily ever after in the same house for the next three generations. That was then. This is now. Between study abroad, job transfers, the "two body problem," and a million other reasons for couples to live in different cities, long distance relationships are becoming a viable alternative to breaking up. According to a study done by Cornell University (see a longer article on the Huffington Post here), between a quarter and one half of college stu

9 Things To Know Before You Date A Flight Attendant

Are you dating a flight attendant, or about to? Congratulations if you are! You are fearless, bold, and living life as we ought to. Why do I say this? Flight attendants are a rare breed. Because of the nature of our job, we are trained to deal with many extreme situations normal people don’t get to experience. Due to this, we develop attractive personalities that make us extra-interesting dates. When you date, and maybe even fall in love with a flight attendant, you will find yourself experiencing all of the great but also all of the tough parts of dating a flight attendant. Things to know before dating a flight attendant. 1. We are sleep deprived. With long working hours and little time to rest, one activity you can indulge in while dating is to relax in a spa. There, we can catch some extra Zzzz’s. We’ll love you double if you are aware of this. After a restful massage and a long nap, we can be more attentive to you and our conversations. Who knows — after a nap the nex


Five foods to boost your libido

Eat a diet rich in zinc, B vitamins and essential fatty acids, the nutrients required for sex hormone production and reproductive function. Almonds An excellent source of omega-3 fats, which are essential for the production of testosterone, fertility and a healthy sex drive. READ MORE...........

WET DREAMS: spiritual or natural

Wet dreams a.k.a nocturnal emission is the Unintentional release of seminal fluids during sleep.  Its normal for every healthy male...but.. Certain people think it has BAD spiritual significance to have sex in the dream and ejaculate What is your opinion about this? is it natural or somewhat spiritual ? Guys! what has been your wet dream experience(s)? please share with us Ladies! Ever seen any of your brothers wake up in this condition.