
Showing posts from July, 2015

4 Simple, Life-Changing Facts About Kissing

Kissing is healthy "A kiss is not only loving and inspiring, it is also beneficial to health," said Ursula Wisiak of the Department of Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy in Graz Kissing is good for your immune system A passionate kiss does not only look good, but also strengthens the cardiovascular system and immune system. "Around 80 million bacteria are exchanged during a ten-second kiss on the average," explains Gregor Gorkiewicz, expert Mikrobiomforschung at the Medical University of Graz

How to avoid a fight with your partner

While it's completely normal to have the  occasional fight in your relationship , there are many couples have too much friction. They bicker, nag and constantly argue or disagree so that there is more driving them to divide than there is keeping the harmony and happiness between them. If you feel your relationship has too much little – or big – conflict and would benefit from less bickering, then there are some key steps to take to bring peace in your life, home and love. 1. Not everything you think needs to be said out loud Remember the ratio 5 to 1. For every one negative thing you say, five positive ones need to be said to balance it to ensure your partner feels loved, appreciated and valued.  Nurture your relationship  by saying more positive things than negative ones. Define your partner by what they do right and well, rather than by what they don’t do or do less than perfectly.

Am I a Lesbian?

While unpacking an oversize suitcase in my tiny, sweltering apartment in New York City, I could hear the gay-pride parade roaring past my window. Outside, French-kissing women and be-thonged boys danced their way down Fifth Avenue: free, flamboyant, uninhibited. I'd just left my quiet Midwestern town where "liberal" was the amount of mustard you put on your hot dog and gay seemed confined to  Queer Eye . The rainbow-flag variety of self-expression had never seemed an option. So as I filled my sock drawer in one of the most sexually permissive places in the country, I wondered: If I'd never questioned my own sexuality, how could I be sure I was straight?

100 Best Places To Be A Mother

Whether you are newlywed or just looking to become a mother, the 25 best places and countries to be a mother will shock you. The United States is not in the top 30 countries, Nigeria is ranked 166th below Libya, South Africa and other African countries. The world's best place to be a mother is Norway as the United States drops to 33rd place in an annual survey.'An American woman is more than ten times as likely to die in pregnancy or childbirth as a Polish woman,' Save the Children said in a statement.

Who’s Hot, Who’s Not? Time Will Tell

As we’ve previously written , people tend to pair up romantically with partners who are about as attractive as they are. So the most attractive people pair up with each other, followed by the next most attractive people pairing up, etc., all the way down the attractiveness scale. Scientists call this  assortative   mating . 1  How do we know this assortative mating occurs? There is a correlation between two partners’ levels of attractiveness. This means that as one partner’s attractiveness increases, the other partner tends to be more attractive as well. People want the best partner they can get, and the more attractive a person you are, the better mate you can snag.

11 subtle things that make men go crazy over their women

According to writer/speaker  James Michael Sama , when a man is falling in love with a woman, there are many small or less obvious things about her and her personality that will bring a smile — not only to his face, but also to his heart. If you are wondering some things your man loves about you but hasn't told you, here are some clues to what he thinks about when he looks at you:

11 Things Guys Don't Understand About Your Clitoris

Even guys who are amazing in bed have a few questions about the clitoris, which is fair because most women don't even fully understand it (until they really, really do). Here are the things even your super sweet boyfriend might be a little hazy on.  1. He says:  I think most guys understand the importance of the clitoris (every time a guy learns to stimulate the clit, an angel gets its wings), but why is it so great?

15 Signs You're Having Sex With the Wrong Person

1. You fantasize about everyone but the person you're with. Fantasizing about and being attracted to other people is completely normal, but at least some of those fantasies should involve your other half.

What Makes Men Fall in Love

It's a baffling question: Is there some specific moment or event that makes a guy suddenly decide "Yes, I think I love her"? Well, the answer isn't clear-cut, but there are some general principles. "Men have certain innate needs that must be met before they truly feel connected to you," says Paul Dobransky, MD, author of  The Secret Psychology of How We Fall in Love. "When a guy realizes, consciously or not, that you're ideal on all these levels, that's when he'll commit."

Signs your relationship sex life is still on fire!

While some couples are still trying to rediscover a stronger connection  with their partner and some have completely lost hope, at the same time other couple can’t seem to have enough of it. Here are sure signs that your sex life is too hot for almost anyone to handle but your partner, and if you’re planning on reviving your sex life, try this tricks. READ:   7 ways to prevent your marriage from crashing after infidelity You’ve stopped wearing clothes indoors because, let’s be honest, what’s the point?

10 Things Every Man Should Know About Dating Before 25

Dating in your early 20s is weird. It stops being acceptable to watch a movie in your parents basement, or meet someone who is equally as drunk, loud, and just as "really pumped up about this Third Eye Blind song" as you at a frat party. You actually have to put forth effort if you want to meet new people, and putting forth effort into something that uncomfortable sucks. Here's how to date like a MAN. 1. Open doors.  It never hurts to be a gentleman. 2. Flowers don't suck.  They can be pretty cheesy, but no woman is

Difference Between Dating & Being in a Relationship

Dating itself can be incredibly confusing, much less, defining what your relationship status is. The difference between dating and being in a relationship can be subtle. It is important to discuss relationship boundaries with the person you are dating, and be clear in your communications with them. COMMITMENT CONVERSATION The difference between dating and being in a relationship is commitment. If you are going out with someone on a regular basis, and you and your partner have agreed to date only one another, then you are in a committed relationship. However, if you are dating a person and neither of you have agreed to date exclusively, then you are not in a relationship and you are both free to also date other people.

My wife saved my mum's number on her phone as 'old witch'

"I dialed my mother's number on my wife's phone and found out she saved it as 'old witch". Granted my mother has her attitude but is it fair to save her name like that? I am thinking of creating a storm because I am really upset.

Dear are 7 ways to make your wives feel like the luckiest women in the world

Marriage isn't a bed of roses and requires hard work, commitment to be a lasting success. Most marriage articles are majorly about how wives should make their husbands feel special, but how about what these women really need from their husbands to feel extra special? For the husbands, how do you make your wife feel like the most important person in your life despite the daily struggles you both face?

Annoying things women without kids are fond of saying

Dana Hall McCain of iMom  says people never know wht it's like to raise kids until they start having children of their own. Women who really do not want kids may have little or no idea on how to raise them and tend to tell their friends who are parents how to handle their kids. Here are a few things they tend to say:


THE RELATIONSHIP COUNSELLOR: Humble relationship : Sacrificing your own gratification to better meet someone else’s needs doesn’t come easily to all of us, but a new study published this Ma...

8 reasons why ex-alcoholics make the best husbands

According to relationship writer  Joanna Schroeder , dating a guy or being married to a man who used to be friends with alcohol could teach you one or two things about making choices. Schroeder says many sober guys are struggling or depressed, but a large portion of them are just regular, awesome guys who don't drink or use drugs. Some are serious, some are religious, and some aren't; some are silly, outgoing, athletic, adventurous, and upbeat. But the truth is, guys who are solidly sober and living a healthy life are just as diverse as guys who drink. Here are the reasons according to Schroeder why sober guys make the best partners for women:

10 Things Men Need To Stop Doing While Dating (1)

Despite what almost all of us think about men and women, both sexes aren’t that different. The truth is we all live on earth irrespective of our gender, orientation and thought processes; and as such we all are forced to communicate with each other on a daily basis – including procreating and making out. In order to ensure we fulfill our desires, a lot of us do unimaginable things (ladies included) just because matters concerning emotions make us act like fools. When it comes to love, everyone speaks like a fluent moron (apologies Lorelai Gilmore). Well, we all can get along if we are as honest as possible while making sure that we don’t act like jerks towards one another. And in truth, we guys have a bad habit of acting like jerks while dating. However, all bad habits can be broken if we put our minds to it if we factor in accountability and admitting when you’re wrong. For the benefit of the future and present human race, these are 10 things we guys need to stop doing if we want

7 things you should never take to heart

Often times we get offended over the silliest things which shouldn't be taken personally. We tend to give these things more importance than what they should originally be, then you realise that it's just a waste of time and energy. Allyson Bryant  of  All Women Stalk  lists a few things people shouldn't take personally:

Humble relationship

Sacrificing your own gratification to better meet someone else’s needs doesn’t come easily to all of us, but a new study published this March by the American Psychological Association [1] suggests that this might be key to maintaining a strong relationship.

Having trust issues? Here are 5 ways to prevent it from ruining your relationship

You may have a hard time trusting your partner not because of what they have done but as a result of past personal experiences. But your trust issue can be resolved if you are true to yourself, trusting your heart and instincts before you can really trust someone else. Rick Clemons of YourTango  lists 5 ways to prevent your trust issues from ruining your relationship:

Never consider any of these 7 things as a reason to get married

There are many great reasons to get married but on the other hand there are horrible reasons to get hitched. For your marriage to be successful and happy, you must know the reasons why you have decided to spend the rest of your life loving your significant other. Take a deeper look into yourself and know where your feelings lie. Jennifer Knightstep of Binoni  lists a few wrong reasons to get married:

Here are 10 great tips for building any loving relationship

As common as the word can be, Love is one of the most difficult feelings to explain. There are numerous love stories out there that it would take a long time to very long time to tell them all. But these started from somewhere, by building their own love so others can be inspired to fall in love too. There are some basic things to learn about loving relationships and every action or inaction counts. Dr. Lynda Klau of YourTango  puts together a list of what a loving relationship should really be like:

4 signs your man is a keeper

They’re self-accountable Keepers are not afraid to question themselves.  They clearly put knowledge ahead of ego-preservation and seek ways to help their relationships stay successful. They ask themselves what they could do to change them for the better. They are not out to win at their partner’s expense. Yet, keepers don’t automatically give up their point of view when challenged. You know them by their combination of ego, strength, and flexibility. They not only hold their integrity under fire, but also expect that kind of behavior from people they respect.