
Showing posts from April, 2015
It only took a few counseling sessions to realize I’d spent most of my adult life married to a narcissist. And that I'd completely lost my perspective along the way. A narcissistic person believes the world revolves around them, that they are primary and others secondary. They don't feel empathy. They hold themselves in high esteem and get very defensive when challenged. If you think you might be married to a narcissist, check out these  10 signs you're in a relationship with a narcissist  - if you are, like me, it will be obvious. 

Three Mistakes Women Make In Divorce: What Not To Do

Several months ago, my husband and I separated. I was blindsided. He, for all practical purposes, dumped me after 17 years of marriage. As I reached out for support, I found women with similar stories. There were some who knew it was coming, and those who initiated it. Either way, it’s a gut-wrenching, life changing event. I write this from recent experience and from talking with friends. I have also heard cautionary tales from women who are years out, far beyond  the trenches,  as I call them.


MARCH 9, 2015 In 4 months I’ve cried more that I’ve ever cried in years….. But the triumph of my poetry is stronger than my tears….. Love is like a home… No matter how far you go You can always come back And the love you had there Will love you right back


MARCH 31, 2015 I couldn’t think, I couldn’t eat I couldn’t work, I couldn’t sleep When I drank, my tears would seep through my face, my hurt is deep. I couldn’t breath, I couldn’t smile I haven’t laughed in quite while The night you left I ran a mile My grieving process skipped denial


APRIL 2, 2015 It’s been a while since I wrote something but I’m back with an interesting topic that seems to get more popular as the days go by. The topic I chose to discuss is plastic surgery. We live in a culture where youth and beauty are prized. People are no longer afraid to go under the knife in order to gain certain advantages. The way we look has always had a huge impact in the way we are perceived, and this is only becoming more and more of a phenomenon. The demand for plastic surgery remains strong and the money that is spent on it is increasing by the minute.